If you are a resident of Canada without valid provincial or federal health insurance (Uninsured Resident of Canada) or you are a resident of another country (Non-Resident of Canada)

Canadian residents without valid provincial or federal health insurance plan, considered uninsured residents of Canada, and non-residents of Canada are responsible for all Hospital fees. Hospital fees are in addition to attending physician fees as billed by the physician.

For uninsured residents and non-residents, hospital outpatient fees are applicable for each and every emergency visit, outpatient clinic visit (ambulatory care, Childbirth Centre, day surgery, rehabilitation, orthopedic services, etc). Hospital outpatient fees are in addition to public and private ambulance charges, rehabilitation and mobility devices, orthopedic casting, diagnostic imaging (X-ray, CT Scan, MRI, ultrasound, etc.), laboratory fees and physician service fees.

For uninsured residents or non-residents admitted as inpatients, hospital fees include room accommodation (ward, semi-private, private, or intensive care unit (ICU)). Hospital inpatient accommodation fees are in addition to public and private ambulance charges, rehabilitation and mobility devices, orthopedic casting, diagnostic imaging (X-ray, CT Scan, MRI, ultrasound, etc.), laboratory fees and physician service fees. Additional inpatient charges will apply for newborn delivery, newborn ward care (baby stays with mother) and special nursery. Physicians will also bill separately for delivery and care charges.

The Hospital will directly bill private insurance plans for inpatient room accommodation for Canadian insurers only. Private insurance plan information must be provided at the time of registration. Please note it is your responsibility to understand the coverage provided by any private insurance company. You will be billed for amounts not paid by private insurance and the Hospital cannot cancel charges if a mistake is made in coverage.

The Hospital will not accept private insurance for non-resident patients with out-of-country insurance companies. Non-resident patients must provide a credit card at the time of registration and pay for their hospital charges directly. Out-of-country patients can then forward a claim to their private health insurer for reimbursement.


Hospital fees for patients without a valid Canadian provincial or federal health insurance or you are a resident of another country or for international students

Hospital fees for Childbirth centre patients without a valid Canadian provincial or federal health insurance or you are a resident of another country