Michel Piché
Community Member
Michel Piché joined Carleton University as Vice-President (Finance and Administration) in July 2016. Prior to joining Carleton, he served in a variety of agencies and enterprises including the National Research Council of Canada, Central Wire Industries Ltd., the Canadian Red Cross Society, Explosive Technologies International, and Northern Telephone Ltd. Mr. Piché completed a Masters in Public Administration at l’Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique of the Université du Québec. He is also a Chartered Director (C.Dir.), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). He is involved with CPA Ontario in developing and presenting workshops on Integrated Planning and Budgeting and a member of the Board of the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO). He previously taught at Nipissing University for their B. Comm. distance learning program, served on the Board of Directors of the Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) and oversaw the NRC’s annual GCWCC (United Way) fundraising campaign.