If you are a resident of Ontario or another Canadian province and have valid provincial or federal health insurance.
Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP)
A resident of Ontario must have a valid Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP) health card to show that they are entitled to health care paid for by OHIP. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care pays for a wide range of services such as the cost of medical necessary visits to the Hospital and standard ward room (four beds to a room) if admitted to Hospital. However, OHIP does not pay for services that are not medically necessary such as cosmetic surgery, circumcision or elected preferred accommodation.
As health service providers validate OHIP health cards of people they treat, it is important to carry your health card at all times. It is also important to ensure your dealth card has not expired and remains valid with your current name and address. The hospital will bill OHIP and if the insurance is not valid the charges will be billed to the patient.
For further information on OHIP coverage, visit the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website, contact the ServiceOntario Infoline at 1-866-532-3161 or visit a local ServiceOntario Centre.
Other Canadian Provincial or Federal Health Insurance
A resident of another province with valid provincial health insurance or a Canadian resident with valid federal insurance (Canadian Armed Forces, Refugee with Interim Federal Health Program) or a patient covered under Workers Safety Insurance Board must provide valid health insurance information to be entitled to health care paid for by their respective plan. These plans pay for a wide range of medically necessary services. However, they do not pay for services that are not medically necessary such as cosmetic surgery, circumcision or elected preferred accommodation.
The Hospital will bill the appropriate provincial or federal health insurance plan and any claims rejected by the health care plan will be billed to the patient. In some cases, physician services and other services will have to be paid upfront by the patient and then a submission can be made to the plan for reimbursement by the patient.
If your complete provincial or federal health insurance plan information is not provided at the time of registration, it is your responsibility to call our Finance Department as soon as possible with the correct insurance information at (613) 721-4704 or you will receive a bill from us in the mail for immediate payment.
Hospital Fees for Patients with valid Canadian Provincial or Federal Health Insurance
Private Health Insurance
If you have private insurance for Hospital costs, this must be provided at the time of registration or provided to our Finance Department as soon as possible. The Hospital will directly bill private insurance plans for inpatient room accommodation for Canadian insurers only. Please note it is your responsibility to understand the coverage provided by any private insurance company. You will be billed for amounts not paid by private insurance and the Hospital cannot cancel charges if a mistake is made in coverage.