Hand hygiene is an important practice for health care providers and has a significant impact on reducing the spread of infections in hospitals. Hand hygiene is a different way of thinking about safety and patient care and involves everyone in the hospital, including patients and health care providers. Effective hand hygiene practices in hospitals play a key role in improving patient and provider safety, and in preventing the spread of healthcare-associated infections.

How will the public reporting of hand hygiene compliance affect compliance among health care professionals?

The goal of public reporting hand hygiene compliance is to achieve an overall assessment of whether compliance rates are improving over time. It is normal for rates to vary from hospital to hospital. There are many factors that will improve hand hygiene compliance. Mandatory public reporting is one element. Certainly, the increasing recent attention on the issue, as well as the provincial government’s multifaceted hand hygiene program called Just Clean Your Hands, are important to ensuring effective hand hygiene at the right times.


2023-2024 Results 

Type of indications

% compliance

Before initial patient/patient environment contact (Moment 1)


After patient/environment contact (Moment 4)




2022-2023 Results 

Type of indications

% compliance

Before initial patient/patient environment contact (Moment 1)


After patient/environment contact (Moment 4)




2021-2022 Results

Type of indications

% compliance

Before initial patient/patient environment contact (Moment 1)


After patient/environment contact (Moment 4)
