It is the recommendation of the Queensway Carleton Hospital that all jewelry, including body piercings and wedding rings, be removed prior to surgery.
The known risks of leaving in jewelry or body piercings in place during surgery may include:
- Injury from a burn if the electro-surgical unit is used during surgery.
- An increased risk of infection if the jewelry is near the surgical area as jewelry harbours bacteria.
- Possible restrictions of blood flow from the jewelry/body piercing area due to tissue swelling after surgery near the surgical site.
- An increased risk of injury due to the jewelry/body piercing if the jewelry or body piercing area becomes tangled in the patient gown or bed linens during positioning for surgery or when being transferred to the stretcher in the operating room.
- An increased risk of injury during anesthetic if the body piercing is in the nose, tongue or mouth (these MUST be removed).
Body piercings can be removed at the body piercing store.
If you choose to accept these risks and arrive for your surgical procedure with the jewelry or body piercing in place, there is a possibility that your surgery will be cancelled by the anesthesiologist or the surgeon depending on the location of the jewelry/body piercing.
If you choose to accept these risks and decide to keep your jewelry/body piercing for the procedure and the surgery proceeds, it will be documented on your chart that you were aware of the risks and that you will assume the responsibility for any negative outcome.