Please note:

This is a pilot project and currently only offered to admitted patients in the Childbirth Unit. It is expected to expand to patients on other units soon.

The “CBORD Patient” app is a new, convenient way for admitted patients to order meals from their own device during their hospital stay.


Patients can view menu options that are customized to their allergies, intolerances, and dietary needs as recommended by their care team.

This app allows you to order breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks are not currently available for ordering. Diets that include snacks will have standard snacks provided.

App Instructions

Information you'll need

You will need your:

    • Hospital Facility ID – QCHK2H8P4  
    • Date of Birth (DOB) 
    • Medical Record Number – this is a 9 digit # found on your patient bracelet. Example: M101010101

Downloading the app

It is recommended that you connect your personal device to the QCH wireless network (QCH-Guest). There are two ways to access the CBORD app:


1) Visit


2) Through the Apple Store or Google Play Store:

Creating an account

To sign in, enter your email and password. If you do not have an account:

    • Select “Create Account”
    • Select the appropriate box and check the age verification. Click “Next”
    • Enter the Facility ID: QCHK2H8P4
    • Enter your date of birth and medical record number (MRN). This is a 9 digit number found on your patient bracelet.
    • Enter your email and a password to create an account, or click “Skip.”
    • If you click “skip”, you will not create an account and will need to re-enter the Facility ID, your date of birth and MRN every time you enter the app.

Ordering a meal

    • Once signed in to the app, select the meal for which you would like to submit menu selections. 
    • Once in the menu, select desired items and then click “Add to Order.”
    • Click the “Categories” button at the bottom of the page, or in the top right corner, to browse other food categories.
    • Once you’ve finished adding items to your meal order, click the “Order Summary” button.
    • Once on the Order Summary page, click the “Place Order” button.
    • Click the “Done” button to return to the home page. Repeat the process to order other meals. 

Deadline to order meals

You are only able to order your meals one day ahead of time (i.e. you are only able to order for tomorrow).


Orders for meals for the next day can start from 5 a.m. the day before to 4 a.m. the day of the meal. Example: You can start ordering your meals for Tuesday, starting at 5 a.m. on Monday. These orders must be placed by 4 a.m. on Tuesday or a standard menu will be provided.

    • Breakfast for today must be ordered by 4 a.m.
    • Lunch for today must be ordered by 4 a.m.
    • Dinner for today must be ordered by 4 a.m.

If orders are not placed, a standard menu will be provided.

App support contact

If you’re having issues with the app, please reach out to a member of your health-care team, or directly to the front desk of the unit you’re staying on.

Dietary FAQs

I have multiple allergies. Is it safe to use CBORD Patient App?

Yes, it is safe to use the CBORD Patient App as long as you inform your care team of your food allergies upon admission. This information will be displayed in the app, and all food items present on the app should reflect your diets and allergies.

Allergies/Intolerances: If you have any allergies or intolerances that are not listed below, please contact the Food Services supervisor at extension 1190 for assistance with ordering.

Priority Allergens:

    • Egg
    • Fish/shellfish
    • Gluten
    • Milk/milk protein
    • MSG
    • Mustard
    • Nuts (tree nuts and peanuts are included)
    • Sesame
    • Soy
    • Wheat


    • Artificial sweeteners
    • Beef
    • Caffeine
    • Chocolate
    • Citrus
    • Garlic
    • Lactose
    • Mushrooms
    • Onion
    • Pork
    • Poultry
    • Strawberries

I am on a special diet. Is it safe to use the CBORD app?

Yes. If your special diet is entered in the system, the patient app will check each food item and show you the ones that you can choose.


The app also tracks nutrients, such as carbohydrates or salt if your diet order includes these. For example: a low salt diet will limit the amount of salt per meal that you are able to select. A diabetic diet will limit the amount of carbohydrates per meal that you can choose. The app will guide you as you pick your foods to show the maximum amount of these nutrients that you can have for each meal.

I am on a diet that is listed on the CBORD Patient App, but I cannot place my order?

You may be too late to place the order. The cut-off time for ordering breakfast, lunch and dinner is 4 a.m. After this time the order tickets are printed, and you will no longer be able to select your food. If you require any assistance, please call the Food Service supervisor at extension 1190.

What diets cannot use the app?

There are diets that are currently not able to use the Patient App. These diets include:

    • Anti-dumping/post gastrectomy
    • Clear fluid
    • Clear fluid with supplements
    • Full fluid
    • Frequent small meals
    • High protein high energy
    • High output ostomy
    • Minced and Moist
    • NPO (Nothing by mouth)
    • Post surgical
    • Pureed
    • Soft and Bite Sized
    • Wired Jaw

What if my diet changed?

The app will update the diet change and check your menu selections. If you are unable to order via the CBORD Patient App with the diet change, you will still receive a standard menu that complies with your new diet.

My doctor or dietitian has ordered nutritional supplements for me (ex. Ensure, Boost), but it won't let me select them in the CBORD Patient App. Will they still show up on my tray?

Yes. Any nutritional supplements ordered by your doctor or dietitian will be added to your tray. If you would like to choose a different flavor, please call the Food Services supervisor at extension 1190 or tell your nurse.

How do I create a balanced meal within the app?

When creating a balanced meal for lunch and supper, you have the option to choose between a hot entrée or sandwich. For both of those choices, you can add a vegetable to make it more balanced. If the hot entrée is chosen, consider adding starches such as potatoes, rice or bread.

App FAQs

Do I need to create an account to be able to order through the CBORD Patient App?

No, you do not need to create an account to be able to order your meals. Simply click ‘skip’ during the account registration prompt, and you are able to go ahead and order your meals. Note that if you skip creating an account, you will need to re-enter the Facility ID, your date of birth and MRN every time you enter the app.

What if I can’t access the app?

Orders can also be submitted using an internet browser. Click here to order your meals online:
If you cannot access the app or an internet browser, a family member or care partner can complete your order on your behalf.

What if I do not want to use the CBORD Patient App, but still want to select my own menus?

You can simply call the Food Service supervisor at extension 1190 and ask for assistance. When leaving a voicemail, please include your full name and room number. A food service supervisor will call or visit you to review your menu selections.

Do I still get a meal if I don’t want to use the app?

Absolutely. If you have an active diet order, you will still receive a meal tray with a standard menu even if you do not place the order via the CBORD Patient App.

Why am I getting a different meal or food items from what I chose when I placed the order for my meals on the app?

There may be differences in the meals selected and meals received for the following reasons:

    • Diet change made by your care team
    • Allergy information change
    • Allergies or intolerances that are not listed in the allergy question below
    • Floor unit change

Why do I get extra food items that I did not select?

There are a few processes that may affect your order:

    • Previous admission with preferences provided to Food Services may affect the menus on tray tickets.
    • Supplements ordered by doctors or dietitians.
    • Some items may come with your menu selections, such as gravies, sauces or condiments.
    • Diets that include snacks will have standard snacks provided. This includes diabetic and gestational diabetic diets.
    • Restricted fluid diets or special diets may add or remove items to meet the nutrient goal.

Can someone bring food in for me instead of ordering through the app?

Your loved ones may bring you food and snacks if you are not on a special diet. Before asking anyone to bring in food, please check with your care team to ensure this meets your diet and needs. Our primary concern is your wellbeing, as some foods can interact with medicines and treatments. There are kitchenettes on some floors, which may have a fridge, toaster or microwave and hot water available for use. Please ask a member of your care team if these are available on your floor.

Can my guests order meals for themselves?

No, we do not offer meals to guests currently. Guests are welcome to visit our cafeteria between the hours of 7 a.m.-1:30 p.m., or Tim Hortons on the main floor.

What if I don’t know when I am getting discharged, can I still order my meals for the next day? And what will happen to the food I ordered if I am discharged?

You can still order your meals for the next day even if you are unsure of when you will be getting discharged. If you do get discharged, food services is notified and the order will be removed. Rest assured, no food will be wasted.

Are there other food items available than what is initially shown to me when I go to build my meal?

Yes. You can either scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “categories” button, or find it located on the top right-hand side of the screen. This is where you will find the beverages, condiments, and other different categories of food.