Hospital Fees for Patients without Canadian Provincial or Federal Health Insurance

For Uninsured Residents of Canada and Non-Residents of Canada

Effective April 1, 2021


Hospital Outpatient Fees:

Outpatient visit (Hospital appointments, each)

Uninsured resident of Canada $302

Non-resident of Canada $930

Emergency visit (each visit)

Uninsured resident of Canada $302

Non-resident of Canada $930

Other fees In Addition to Outpatient Visit fees:

Day Surgery (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada:

  • Low: $850
  • Medium: $3,126
  • High: $13,160

Non-resident of Canada:

  • Low: $3,495
  • Medium: $3,495
  • High:  $13,160

X-Ray, varied (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $33 and up

Non-resident of Canada $49 and up

MRI per time block (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $480

Non-resident of Canada $2,030

CT Scan (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $599

Non-resident of Canada $2,130

High Risk Ultrasound (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $302

Non-resident of Canada $359

Lab Tests, each (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $128

Non-resident of Canada $360

Ambulance charges, each trip

Uninsured resident of Canada $240

Non-resident of Canada $240

Private transportation charges, each trip

Uninsured resident of Canada $138

Non-resident of Canada $138

Casting, varied

Uninsured resident of Canada $20 and up

Non-resident of Canada $20 and up

Rehabilitation and mobility appliances, varied

Uninsured resident of Canada $2 - $240

Non-resident of Canada $2 - $240

Physician fees

As billed by Physician & are in addition to Hospital fees


Hospital Inpatient Fees

Room Charges per day:

Ward room - Regular

Uninsured resident of Canada $964

Non-resident of Canada $2,990

Ward - Intensive Care

Uninsured resident of Canada $4,049

Non-resident of Canada $6,000

Semi-private room

Uninsured resident of Canada $1,184

Non-resident of Canada $3,210

Private Room

Uninsured resident of Canada $1,224

Non-resident of Canada $3,250

Other Charges as applicable:

X-Ray, varied (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $33 and up

Non-resident of Canada $49 and up

MRI per time block #(plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $480

Non-resident of Canada $2,030

CT Scan (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $599

Non-resident of Canada $2,130

High Risk Ultrasound (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $302

Non-resident of Canada $359

Lab Tests, each (plus Hospital visit fee)

Uninsured resident of Canada $128

Non-resident of Canada $360

Ambulance charges, each trip

Uninsured resident of Canada $240

Non-resident of Canada $240

Private transportation charges, each trip

Uninsured resident of Canada $138

Non-resident of Canada $138

Casting, varied

Uninsured resident of Canada $20 and up

Non-resident of Canada $20 and up

Rehabilitation & mobility appliances, varied

Uninsured resident of Canada $2 - $240

Non-resident of Canada $2 - $240

Telephone and Television services

As billed by rental company when services are ordered

Physician fees

As billed by Physician & are in addition to Hospital fees


This is a list of common Hospital fees and other fees may be applicable for services rendered not listed above. Fees are in $CAD and subject to change annually.


For Further Information, contact Financial Services at (613) 721-4704 or