In an effort to improve the quality and continuity of care to patients at Queensway Carleton Hospital, patients have the ability to see their healthcare provider virtually (for a set of specific appointments) through a secure integrated program.

Patients scheduled for virtual appointments can join their provider for a virtual visit via their Patient Portal account. Click here to learn more about the Patient Portal.


Attending your virtual visit

If you have a scheduled virtual visit and you are ready to join, please navigate to the Connected Care Patient Portal, below.


Log in to connected care


Virtual care information

What is virtual care?

When an in-person visit with a healthcare provider isn’t possible or even desirable, having access to virtual care can mean the difference between a patient receiving the care necessary to improve their health or dealing with the consequences of untreated ailments.

When patients and clinicians opt for virtual care, they can help prevent the spread of infections, save time and money, engage in more timely medical interventions, and enjoy flexibility with regards to receiving and delivering health care. During the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual care enabled patients to continue receiving the care they needed while keeping themselves and their families safe.

Virtual care can benefit a variety of patients, such as people with mobility issues, residents living in remote areas, and busy parents and workers who want the convenience of connecting through their device (possibly avoiding child care services or time off work, as a result).

Step-by-step appointment instructions

If you would like instructions prior to your visit, please read our step-by-step tip sheet or watch the walkthrough video below.


Preparing for your appointment

Before your appointment, please test your audio and video.

Pre-appointment checklist

  • Find a private quiet location for your visit
  • Ensure you have a reliable internet connection
  • Find a device - PC, laptop, phone, or tablet - with speakers, microphone, and camera
  • Ensure your device is charged or plugged in
  • Test your audio and video
  • Write down any questions you may have
  • Try to be available 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after your call

What to bring to your appointment

  • Your health card (if your health card doesn't have a photo, bring photo ID)
  • Information related to your condition, including a list of symptoms and any recorded health data
  • If the appointment is your first interaction with the healthcare provider, please have your relevant health history ready, including:
    • Existing health conditions and/or allergies
    • Medications
    • Immunizations
    • Past surgeries and hospitalizations
    • Family health history
  • Something to take notes on, like pen and paper or an electronic device

During your appointment

  • Please log in to your appointment 5-10 minutes before your appointment time. You may have to wait until you are admitted into the virtual meeting room.
  • During the video call, please remain in front of the camera and speak clearly.
  • If you are unable to find a quiet location for the call, please mute your microphone when you aren't speaking to enhance sound quality.

Virtual care support contact information

For immediate support, you can reach our support team by email at or by calling our toll-free number at 1-833-721-0660 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).