Mother and Baby Unit (MBU)

On the Mother and Baby Unit there are 30 patient beds. This is the area of the Childbirth Centre where you and your baby will go after the birth of your baby. Depending on the insurance coverage, your wishes, and on room availability, you may choose a private, semi-private or standard room. The nursing care is the same for patients in any type of room. Partners are encouraged to stay overnight. Each room contains a full bathroom and shower. As in the Birth Unit, medical supplies and equipment are quickly are accessible for mom and baby in each room. Every bed has a TV and telephone which can be rented. Each bed is connected to a call bell system that you can use to talk directly to your nurse. Emergency call bells are at the bedside as well as in the bathroom. A nurse will care for you and your baby in your room and help you learn about caring for your newborn.