
Breastfeeding your baby is the most natural and healthiest way to feed your baby. Breast milk contains antibodies that complete your baby’s immune system and help fight disease. Breast milk is also easier for babies to digest and is more easily absorbed which may mean fewer problems with constipation and upset stomach. Breastfeeding also has benefits for you that may include helping your uterus return to its normal size; helps protect against some forms of cancer such as breast, uterine and ovarian; and it allows you and your baby to bond.

For more information on breastfeeding:

Ottawa Public Health Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding your baby in the first few weeks

La Leche League of Canada

Community support for breastfeeding

There are several websites and organizations that are available to you if you need extra support when you get home. Please see the list of links to resources below.

Ottawa Breastfeeds

Ottawa Lactation Consultants

Parenting in Ottawa